martes, 12 de junio de 2018

La visita del Señor Oscuro

El Lord Tenebroso nos ha visitado en Segovia. Los rumores de que podría estar escondido en el alcázar de la ciudad eran ciertos.Tras nuestra gran preocupación por el bochornoso clima que nos acompaña, comenzamos a pensar que quizás todo era cosa de brujería. Las constantes lluvias, nubarrones grises, tormentas eléctricas y ni un rayito de sol... ¿Qué estaba pasando en nuestra querida Segovia? 

Quisimos consultar a Dumbledore sobre la situación y, por fin, hemos tenido respuesta:

"Queridos alumnos del colegio Claret. Efectivamente, estabais en lo cierto. He estudiado con la Profesora Sprout las condiciones atmosféricas de vuestra ciudad y todo guarda una estrecha relación con Lord Voldemort. Se encuentra en algún lugar de vuestra ciudad. Una pista: ¡le encanta refugiarse en castillos! Suerte derrotándole. Hogwarts y el mundo os necesita."

Y así fue, nos pusimos manos a la obra para derrotar al Señor Oscuro en pleno acueducto.  Él nos trajo tres pruebas que nos invitaban a trabajar en equipo pero antes debíamos recordarnos algo: lo único que nos hace más poderosos que Voldemort es nuestra capacidad para amar, ser amigos y trabajar en equipo. ¡Debemos centrar nuestras fuerzas en eso!

Los cuentos fueron fantásticos, todos tuvieron la oportunidad de crear en grupo una aventura más que sumar en este curso. ¡Seguro que cuando Dumbledore los lea los publica en el periódico "El Profeta"! Mientras tanto, nuestros éxitos hacen que Voldemort comience a debilitarse.

No fue esa su única prueba, también nos quiso medir en Matemáticas. Lo que no se esperaba el Señor Tenebroso, es que nosotros jugamos en casa cuando al acueducto se refiere y, por supuesto, este monumento tan querido siempre será nuestro as en la manga para ganar. 

Llegamos a la tercera y última prueba y... ¡Sorpresa! Dumbledore acude en nuestra ayuda para darle el toque de gracia a nuestro enemigo. Mientras tanto, nosotros resolvimos el último problema. Estaba en un pergamino escondido por la clase y nos podía repasar las tablas para resolver una complicada multiplicación. 

La misión está cumplida. Voldemort ha sido derrotado (de momento) o, al menos, desaparecido de la ciudad de Segovia... Tenemos que agradecerle todo lo que nos ha enseñado porque, a veces, nuestros enemigos son capaces de enseñarnos lo bueno que tenemos. Es sólo si nos enfrentamos a nuestros miedos, cuando descubrimos nuestras fortalezas

Hasta la próxima aventura!

martes, 22 de mayo de 2018

Magic bonus!

Hello, muggles and wizards of Europe!

Take a look at this bonus magic game! Our friend Joel did a fantastic job with an expert wizard who came to visit! 

See you next time!

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018

New friends in Slovenia!

Last week, we had the pleasure to met the students from PRIMARY SCHOOL KOBARID in Slovenia. We, as wizards, continue opening doors using the Alohomora spell. This door was more than magic, it was incredible because we got to know different people from different cultures!

We were a litle bit nervous to met the wizards from abroad, so we worked very hard in couples in our class to improve our interview skills.
Here you can watch us working with the questions we wanted to ask the boys and girls from Slovenia, take a look!

We prepared questions in order to ask them about their names, their age, their favorite color, animal and food... But sadly we didn't have time to ask all of them! We save some questions for the next time we get to talk to this incredible boys and girls from Slovenia.

And now, watch this video! You will find us having a little conversation with them for the very first time!

Big thank you to the teachers and students who made this possible!

See you around!

This is our new door!

The basilisk from the Chamber of Secrets.
El basilisco está listo para tragarnos. Esperamos que cuando nos "vomite" a final de curso hayamos crecido mucho por fuera y, sobre todo, por dentro. 

martes, 24 de abril de 2018

La visita de Harry

Hello muggles and wizards of the world!
We are beyond excited to tell you our experiencie with Harry Potter in our class. The famous wizard came to help us with the "Matter and materials" unit of Natural Science. We studied this contents in Spanish and Harry knew how to bring Spanish games about this topics!

Potter helped us with a special spell called "Memory Spell". When we use it (only once, then it dissapears) we could ask another goup of students for help in case we don't know the answer of a question. The groups were fantastic so they barely needed the help.

We worked on the different states of matter we observe every day: solid, liquid and gas. We know plasma is also included but we didn't get there. We also worked on how temperature changes the state and we named the phase changes.

We also worked on the characteristics of some materials like plasticine, which we use everyday in our class. This material is soft, solid and changes it's shape when we apply a force.

In the end, we found out we are stronger to face and fight Voldemort. Our brains are almost ready to use magic spells so we can destroy him forever. Thanks for your help Harry!

See you soon!

martes, 27 de marzo de 2018

Harry Potter, The Exhibition!

Las 4 clases de 2º EPO en Harry Potter: The Exhibition (Madrid)
Hello everybody! How are you, muggles and wizards in Europe?
We are so excited to show you our trip to Madrid, the capital of Spain, to the exhibition of Harry Potter. It was amazing, so take a look at our pics and videos!

First, the sorting hat selected the houses we belong to depending on our thoughts and qualities. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Huffelpuff and Ravenclaw grew up with us:official members of Hogwarts from now on!

"It is our choices, Harry, that show us who we truly are, far more than our abilities."
Albus Dumbledore.

We visited Hagird's house, the herbology cass with the mandragores (and yes, they screamed their lives out), the big hall, Albus Dumbledore's room and his incredible pet: the Phoenix! We got to see so many different things we loved!

If you have the opportunity to visit the exhibition, please go and enjoy the magic world of Harry Potter! Muggle or wizard, we are sure you will love it! We give you our magic word!

See you around, pals! Have a nice Easter holidays!

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2018

Welcome to the Herbology Class!

Hello, wizards and muggles of the world!

This week we have been working on healthy habits so healthy food was an important topic for all of us. We learned vocabulary about all kinds of foodstuff but we also spent  some quality time with professor Pamona Sprout and her plant collection. Take a look!

Madam Professor Pomona Sprout was a witch who worked as Head of Hufflepuff House and Head of the Herbology department at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She attended the school in her youth, where she was sorted into Hufflepuff House and excelled at Herbology. Some time after her graduation, Sprout returned to Hogwarts to teach and now she is in our school to show us the difference between vegetables and fruits.

We also met the Mandragora (Mandrake in English) which is is a plant which has a root that looks like a human (like a baby when the plant is young, but maturing as the plant grows). When matured, its cry can be fatal to any person who hears it.

In groups, we could describe the crying root in order to calm her down, so we learned a lot of vocabulary, adjectives and manners... Not to talk about patience! The Mandragora cry is such an ugly one! 

Watch us learning in 2ºD class...

I hope we can recover from this crying monster plant without using magic spells!

See you around!

La visita del Señor Oscuro

El Lord Tenebroso nos ha visitado en Segovia . Los rumores de que podría estar escondido en el alcázar de la ciudad eran ciertos.Tra...